Monday, August 30, 2010


We played disc golf yesterday afternoon with our good friend Travis. Half way through the course there is a Par 3 hole where you cannot see the basket. You have to throw the disc down the hill in hopes that it will land close to or at least in the direction of the basket in my case. Glen was up first.

He throws. A few seconds later we hear the clanking of chains. We look to see if there are any people at the other holes around us, thinking they may have made that sound. We look down the hill and there is a guy standing there with his hands up as if he was calling a touch down. Glen got a hole in one throwing it blindly down the hill. Unbelievable.

I suggested that he should become a professional disc golfer. Wait...I don't think there's any money in that, and I like my cushy only 25 hr/week job. Nevermind. Forget I ever mentioned it.

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