Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Marinated Portobello Sandwich or so I thought

In Augusta, GA (where I grew up) there is an awesome restuarant downtown called the Boll Weevil. It has amazing desserts! Most times that I went there it was for dessert. However, if I was there to eat I would always get the Portobello Sandwich. It was amazing. So I decided that I would try to recreate it with my last two portobellos.

Unfortunately I botched trying to make sandwich bread so we decided to have roasted portobellos marinated in balsamic vinegar and italian dressing. We then used the botched bread to dip in a balsamic vinegar and olive oil mix. I am not posting a picture because its probably the most ugly thing we have ever eaten and yet super delicious. If I was a vegetarian I would be eating balsamic roasted portobello mushrooms every day.

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