Monday, August 9, 2010

New cookbook

Yesterday after church we had 3 separate people come up to me and congratulate Glen and I on our 3 year anniversary! I feel so loved. Even more than that we received an anniversary present from our good friends (Andrew & Elizabeth). Thanks guys! Elizabeth told me it was more a present for me than for Glen, and it certainly was. It was The Pioneer Woman Cookbook! I am so excited, and Glen should be too because this means a lot of new good recipes for him to eat!

I have already put the cookbook to use! I have been wanting to make these Gingerbread Pancakes for awhile and decided to make the Cheese Grits from my new cookbook to go along with them! The grits were so creamy and surprisingly easy, and I will now make them this way every time and probably more often now. The gingerbread pancakes tasted like Fall, and I love Fall. I am currently counting down the days until Starbucks has its pumpkin spice latte, and speaking of pumpkin spice lattes- I bet these pancakes would be fantastic with a little pumpkin mixed in!


  1. Please do a post if, or rather when, you try her cinnamon rolls! YUM!

  2. I love pumpkin spice lattes too! Began when I was pregnant with bry! Wish we could get one together!!! Love you

  3. YAY! I'm the best friend ever!!!! Haha...this gift is a little selfish, b/c I know I will get to make some of these with you! So glad you are as excited about getting it as I was giving it! Thanks for accepting my terrible wrapping or amazon's terrible wrapping.
