Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday Confessions: Hair

I grew my hair out for locks of love in highschool. I got almost 11 inches cut off the first time. I had planned to do it a second time, but I caved and cut it right before my wedding. The second time I grew my hair out Glen grew his out too! I think he had 8 inches when he cut it and my was it beautiful hair. If you have never seen Glen with long hair, you wouldn't recognized him. He has beautiful blond ringlet curls. Is it bad that I describe Glen's hair as beautiful? Maybe that's a little girly. His hair was super masculine and ummm...okay it was just pretty. Too bad Locks of Love required 10 inches and he had to cut it due to interviews for real jobs and the whole growing up and becoming an adult thing. I kind of wish I had beautiful blond curls but then again if I had those curls I am sure I would want straight hair.

I am officially planning to grow my hair out again but this time I am donating it to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths, and as of right now I kind of want to go a little crazy when I finally get it cut and get Alice's haircut from Twilight...but we will see.

Glen let me straighten his hair once. Apparently it brings out his goofy side.


  1. I'm sorry but Glen looks just like Bon Jovi with his straight hair!


    look here if you don't believe me!
