Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday Confessions: Wet Pants

Before we started small group this past week, we somehow got on the topic of peeing in your pants. Well, in second grade I accidently peed in my pants. Apparently second grade was a hard year for me. For whatever reason, I did not like to use the bathrooms at school in second grade. Especially the ones that are in the classroom. I couldn't wait for third grade who's classroom did not have a bethroom in it. So everyday I would hold it until I got home. One day I just couldn't hold it anymore. I ran for the bathroom at the back of the classroom. I made it through the little hallway into the bathroom and when only 1 foot away from the toilet I peed in my pants. It was an utter disappoint because I was so close, but I guess close only counts in horseshoes and handgrenades. Luckily they had a spare bag of clothes for each grade and second graders don't pay to much attention to fashion. From then on I sucked it up and used the school bathrooms.

This picture has absolutely nothing to do with the post other than these were my friends in 2nd grade. However the picture is from highschool. Don't we look awesome.

p.s. I tell this story of wetting my pants because I know everyone has a pee story and its funny. I am just letting it out. I hope you now feel more connected to me since we are on common ground.

1 comment:

  1. Where is that jean jumper from? Oh man...I'm pretty sure I had that jean jumper!
