Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sunday Lunch Traditions

I like Sunday Lunches. Growing up Glen's family ate Sunday lunch at his Grandmother's house almost every week. It was always a special occassion. Since we have been married we have not done such a thing. We go to church 20 minutes from our house which is not a big deal for us but most people in our church live Lexington while we live in downtown Columbia. I have always felt bad about asking people to drive ALL THE WAY over to our side of town. So we have always just gone out to eat every Sunday after church. Don't get me wrong we will go to lunch with people and still fellowship but there is something different about having people in your own home with a meal that you prepared.

This past Sunday we had our first of hopefully many Sunday Lunches. We will however not host a Sunday Lunch every Sunday. I couldn't do it. My house would certainly be a lot cleaner, but I couldn't do it. We are too busy to plan something like that every week. We hope to have one once a month. I think that is a good balance and maybe we will eventually do it every other week.

I also had planned to take a picture of our lovely bunch (something that Glen's brother and wife did in college), but completely forgot. Sorry guys. We will get you next time and thanks for coming!

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