Friday, September 24, 2010

2 weeks

Are you getting tired of me counting down yet??? I am sorry. I am just so excited. This will be the longest vacation that we have gone on since our honeymoon. That's right we haven't gone on a real vacation for three whole years. We have done some weekend trips and *gasp* a four day trip to edisto but other than that we have pretty much been homebodies. Maybe its because of our little puppy crazy dog Abby who has restricted us for leaving for longer than a few days or the fact that we don't want to spend the money. Anyways, we are going and I am going to enjoy it to the fullest.

I have however have to admit that I thought a lot abou the fact that instead of this trip we could have replaced our carpet with wood floors and redone the existing ones. I told Glen that this past weekend, and he admitted that he has thought the same exact thing. I kinda think we're a good match.


  1. That's funny...I think I'm as obsessed (committed) as they come to redoing their home, but have never thought about not going on this trip!

  2. Don't question it -- you will make great memories and the floors can wait! You will have a great time.
