Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday Confessions: One reason my job is awesome

Once upon a time, I went to school full time and worked 25 hrs a week on top of that. My employers did not consider school breaks or holidays as a reason to give time off. Therefore I worked every Fall break, Spring break, and Summer. It was an aweful time. I thought you lost all your student vacation time when you got out into the real world and got a real job. Well, my job now is contracted. Therefore I am required (as if they really had to force me) to take off 2 weeks at the end of each year before my contract is renewed. Today is my last day working in 2010, and I will not return until January 4. I love it! I am completely sure by the end of my break that I will want to come back and be tired of being at home, but as of right now I am so ready!

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