Thursday, March 17, 2011

Food Driven?

Have I ever told you how much I love food? I especially like going out to eat. I love fancy restaurants and trying new things.

I really want to try the Edisto Burger which has goat cheese and grape jelly on it from Pawley's Front Porch (one of our new favorite burger places). Yes goat cheese and grape jelly. Yes its weird but they wouldn't put it on the menu if it wasn't good. Right? Well I have yet to try it since it has said goat cheese and since unpasterized goat cheese is a no go in pregnancy and since I don't want to be that person who makes her waitress go back to the kitchen to ask if the goat cheese is pasterized I am holding off. As soon as we go there after baby comes that is what I am getting!

We planned our honeymoon around where we were eating that day. Some people go on awesome adventures or go see the sights. We planned where we were eating, and since we honeymooned in Savannah and Charleston we had some really good picks!

Glen knows me, and I am sure that's why last night when I told him what I was going to order at this restaurant in Charleston on a trip I am taking with our youth group girls roughly 7 weeks from now he didn't think it was odd. That's right people I know what I am going to eat at dinner 7 weeks from now and am so excited about it. A rueben and she-crab soup.

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