Tuesday, January 3, 2017


yall, we cooked oysters! we took the opportunity to have a couple of friends over to experience this with us. we learned a lot like oysters are sold by the bushel which is 100-150 oysters! clearly we were not going to buy a bushel. we also learned it doesnt hurt to ask and so we got oysters by the dozen. per the book we were told not to use a screwdriver to open the oysters, but we learned a screw driver is a great tool to open them. we shucked them before putting them on the grill with a hot sauce browned butter and garnished with bacon. we tried them raw which is ok but definitely prefer them cooked. we also found some crabs inside the oysters. i opened one that i was planning to eat raw and there was a crab INSIDE. it was frightening. with a little research we discovered they were pea crabs that sometimes live inside oysters and eat off their food. we learned they are apparently delicacies and so we fried them up in the leftover bacon grease to try. the end product was delicious, and i am sure we will make them again!

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Recipe Count: 3 down

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