Sunday, February 12, 2012

what's been up

i know that a week is not that long to be postless on the blog. well, maybe it is. i know you have been missing emma taylor's little chubby face. well, after emma taylor got sick, i got sick. then i wanted to go to bed at 8:00 every night. then i got better and joined pinterest.

this weekend we celebrated glen turning the big 2-7. we had a pretty relaxed weekend. i made this carrot cake WITH NUTS. i probably risked my life, but what can i say? he's worth it. saturday night we went out to eat at hunter-gatherer in downtown columbia. we highly recommend it (especially their burgers). emma taylor sat in a high chair (2nd time doing this) and did great! it took longer than expected and she was awesome the entire time! she loved looking at the lights and all the people.

sunday we cooked some pork chops (recipe courtesy of the pioneer woman). i used onions instead of garlic, and like all the pioneer woman's recipes, it was quite tasty. we also attempted to take some naked baby pictures of tay-bear. all babies need some naked pictures (to embarass them later of they are just too cute). not many turned out though because she still HATES laying on her stomach.

anyways, too much writing. i am going to go eat a cupcake now...while you enjoy a few pics...

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