i posted last week how i was going to do a
processed food fast to see 1. if i could and 2. if it made me feel better overall. well...1. i couldn't and 2. i got sick so i couldn't tell if it was helping anyways. i debated whether to post my fail or not because let's face it...no one likes to fail, let alone post the fail. day 1 was good, and i was successful. day 2, emma taylor was diagnosed with
rsv, i opted to let glen pick up moes (i did, however, eat a salad!). day 3, total fail...i was stressed and didn't feel well so i got a burger and coke. day 4, i had already failed so i ate a sandwich. day 5, worst day of sickness and we ate chinese which probably has the most processed stuff in it and tons of salt.
overall, i proved to myself that i could choose healthier snacks (when i wasn't utterly failing my challenge). i will probably never challenge myself to an all out fast...apparently, i am weak. i will *try* to eat healthier and make stuff from scratch instead of the pre-made or mixes.