Monday, January 3, 2011

Belated Friday Confessions: I ate a big mac or 2

Friday Confessions was supposed to expire in 2010, but I missed last week due to our little trip up to Greenville and Hendersonville. So I will leave you with one last one...

I'm pregnant. It does weird things to you. I was sick for a couple of weeks, all day long. That changed a bit to just being sick afternoons and nights. That got even less to just nights, and now I think I am done with being sick or at least I am crossing my fingers. Those weeks I was sick all day I had NO appetite. It was hard to find anything that I would eat. Then when it got less and less I had weird cravings. You have to understand that Glen and I do NOT eat McDonalds. EVER. However, I wanted a big mac. So I got one and though it was tasty as I was consuming it, I felt so sick afterwards. Then the next week I got another. What is wrong with me?

That whole McDonalds thing was short lived, but I am wandering what my next craving will be and if I will give in.


  1. so funny...i hate mcdonald's but i craved big macs too with madison! i didn't crave them with bragan. maybe that means it's a GIRL!!!!


  2. When my wife was pregnant with our first, the only cravings I remember were KK Donuts when the Hot&Fresh sign was on, and one late night triple cheeseburger McD commercial that forced me out of the house at 11:30p. Good times.

  3. Oh, and that was: "honey, go WAIT for the Hot&Fresh sign".

  4. any aversions yet? with z I HATED pizza. PIZZA of all things! you know how often I am around pizza with my hubby's job and normally I would consider it a favorite, but not then. Totally grossed me out! mj
