Friday, November 26, 2010

Friday Confessions: Teeth

As I have said before I am was a pretty intensely competitive person growing up. With that characteristic comes injuries. When I was in nineth grade, I had my two front teeth broken while playing lacrosse. The thing was I didn't cry or realize how bad it really was until I got to the nurse's office and saw myself in a mirror. Then I began to cry. Not only had my teeth broke, but they broke into tiny pieces. My lip was all busted up and let me tell you I looked awesome. I had to immediately go to the dentist for them to try to repair what was left. Luckily my root wasn't exposed which saved me a lot of pain. To this day I have fears of my teeth getting hit again. There is a certain hockey like game that we play at Junior High Youth Group and I always hold back due to my fears. I also have a recurring nightmare that my teeth just start to crumble and fall out of my mouth. I used to have this dream at least every other month, but I am pretty sure I have made it almost a whole year this time! (Oh no, I hope this didn't jinx it.)

Does anyone else have those recurring dreams/nightmares???

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