Friday, November 18, 2011

vista lights {all is good}

sometimes i don't feel like a normal person now that we have emma taylor. we don't have freedom to do all the things that we used to. it's a sacrafice, but the reward {e.t.} is so worth it! still i am learning that it is a balance between caring for emma taylor by keeping her schedule and not being so tied to it that we never leave the house. last night i decided to head out to vista lights {a festival in downtown columbia}. sadly, glen already had a commitment he couldn't break. luckily, andrew and elizabeth came with me! emma taylor fell asleep while we were out, was awake on the way home, and didn't go to bed until 10 p.m. today she is fine. she slept through the night and all is good. not that we will go out every night and miss her bedtime, but once in awhile it is freeing!

{photos courtesy of elizabeth's iphone}

1 comment:

  1. It's her not my camera that's awesome! Of course, we all knew that.
