Monday, May 6, 2013

this friday

we went to see an ENT about 2 weeks ago for emma taylor's ears and for her status of being a strep carrier. she still had fluid in her ears 2 months after her last ear infection! luckily it hasn't affected her hearing and language skills...I think she is actually ahead in that area. so per the doctor's recommendation she is getting tubes put in her ears to drain the fluid and also getting her adenoids taken out at the same time. apparently adenoids can harbor that strep bacteria. we are hoping to eliminate her carrier state. please pray for her--that she wouldn't react badly to the anesthesia and that the procedure will go just as planned. please pray for us as even though it is a very common surgery she is still our baby and it is very nerve racking.

1 comment:

  1. Cohen had a second set of tubes put in at 13 months, and they went ahead and took out his adenoid as well. It made a HUGE difference for his health. I will be praying it does the same for Emma Taylor!
