Friday, April 12, 2013

a little bag

i had ambitions to get emma taylor a little book bag by the time she turned 2 so she could carry some of her own stuff since the diaper bag would soon after be taken over by the new baby. i have had my eye on these skip hop backpacks. well, i was in the craft store the other day just to pick up some more thread and of course the discount fabric bin caught my eye. so i grabbed some (1/2 yard) for just over $1. the print was adorable. one afternoon i decided to go for it and sew a little athletic bag for emma taylor, and i love it. she is more concerned with putting stuff in it and then taking it out but hopefully with some practice she will learn to carry it too. so until we get a more substantial bag for her this cute little sack will do.

 photo 1-IMG_7081_zpsf71c4860.jpg

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