Friday, December 30, 2011


1. i didn't realize how messy it would be to feed a baby, and i am not really ready for it.
2. emma taylor is way too entertained by blowing food bubbles on me.
3. do they make bibs for grown-ups?
4. emma taylor waved good bye to me (twice) and it was the cutest thing i have ever seen.
5. waving might have been a fluke but i'll take it.
6. e.t. is a huge people person, and she gets pretty board at home.
7. tay tay is super snuggli now and reaches her hands up for us to pick her up.
8. emma taylor is a huge cheeseball and has the silliest grin.
9. if she takes a good nap in the morning she is the easiest baby ever.
10. she is a complete 180 if she doesn't get that good nap.
11. i can't imagine what our lives would look like without her.
12. right now she is pretty much our life!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! She's too cute! I've heard a lot of moms swear by bumkins brand bibs (for babies...not adults! ha!). I personally use cloth bibs for Cai. I tried plastic wipe clean kind, but he would always pull them off and throw them on the floor, however, he never messed with cloth bibs because they feel like clothes. Some use a plastic floor circle or a shower curtain on the floor. We just let Abe clean up his messes... I also highly recommend the Fisher Price deluxe booster seat, because as they grow you can take it with you places so easily! It's pretty affordable, too!

    Anyways...just mom talking! Looking forward to Bible study! I invited a friend, too, but i don't know if she is going to come or not! :)
